Christy Phelps is an artist and art instructor in Norman, Oklahoma. She has a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Studio Arts from the University of Oklahoma, an Associate of Arts in Visual Arts from Oklahoma City Community College, and she sells art at various shops and galleries in central Oklahoma. Christy also does commissioned work. Her most recent commission was a niche sculpture for the University of Oklahoma's permanent art collection.
Color and shape are my first language and preferred forms of expression. Whether the piece is a detailed representational oil painting, colorful pottery created to be held and handled, or figure sculpture capturing a scene in space and time, my work evokes feeling. It often magnifies precious moments or the emotions of particular moments.
Usually vibrant and playful, the imagery of my work subtly provokes discussion of more weighty underlying concepts. Through classical aesthetics, I address a variety of contemporary topics often related to women’s issues, modesty culture, censorship, and common humanity. I have also addressed climate change, immigration concerns, and racial equality in occasional series or collections.
The level of detail in my paintings, the size of my tabletop sculptures, and the interactive features of my pottery and glass art maintain intimate conversation levels. I sometimes incorporate my art mediums by hand-painting ceramic figure sculptures, using glass fusion work in my sculptures, or firing ceramic decals of my oil painting images onto my pottery. I also model as the study for many of my paintings and sculptures, providing an even deeper personal connection to my work and its message.
Through the years, my focus has broadened from realist oil painting to three-dimensional art forms. While there is always a new series of paintings in progress, I am also enjoying the greater levels of interaction ceramics and sculpture provide, both in the creative process of physically shaping the clay and in the relationship others have with my work.
2024, STASH May Featured Artist of the Month, Norman, OK
2024, ARTini, Allied Arts, Oklahoma City, OK
2024, ONE: Area Fifty-One, MAINSITE Contemporary Art, Norman, OK
2024, Paseo Arts District, March Show, Oklahoma City, OK
2023, Norman Twilight Market Art Show, Norman, OK
2023, ARTini, Allied Arts, Oklahoma City, OK
2023, ONE: Mashup, MAINSITE Contemporary Art, Norman, OK
2022, OU BFA Senior Capstone Exhibition, Lightwell Gallery, Norman, OK
2022, ONE: RAVE, MAINSITE Contemporary Art, Norman, OK
2022, University of Oklahoma 108th Annual School of Visual Arts Student Exhibition, Fred Jones Jr. Museum of art, Norman, OK
2021, OU BFA Pop-Up Exhibition 2021, Resonator, Norman, OK
2021, OU BFA Studio I Exhibition, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK
2021, Clara Luper Exhibition, Oklahoma History Center, Oklahoma City, OK
2021, May Norman 2nd Friday Artwalk, Studio Ink, Norman, OK
2021, ONE: Avant-Garde, MAINSITE Contemporary Art, Norman, OK
2021, Small Art Show, The Paseo Art Association, Oklahoma City, OK
2021, University of Oklahoma 107th Annual School of Visual Arts Student Exhibition, Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art, Norman, OK
2020, ONEderland, MAINSITE Contemporary Art, Norman, OK
2020, University of Oklahoma 106th Annual School of Visual Arts Student Exhibition, Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art, Norman, OK (curated by Holly Wilson)
2019, Doommood, Resonator, Norman, OK
2019, The Roaring Twenties, MAINSITE Contemporary Art, Norman, OK
2019, Foil Sculpture Juried Exhibition, Firehouse Art Center, Norman, OK (curated by Hans Butzer and Paul Moore)
2019, University of Oklahoma 105th Annual School of Visual Arts Student Exhibition, Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art, Norman, OK (curated by Gerald Clarke)
2018, University of Oklahoma 104th Annual School of Visual Arts Student Exhibition, Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art, Norman, OK (curated by Douglas Shaw Elder)
2023, Honorable Mention, Norman Twilight Market Art Show, Norman, OK
2022, Norman Arts Council Award, University of Oklahoma 108th Annual School of Visual Arts Student Exhibition
2021, John R. Potts Jr. Sculpture Award, University of Oklahoma 107th Annual School of Visual Arts Student Exhibition
2019, Honorable Mention, Firehouse Art Center’s 2019 Foil Sculpture Juried Exhibition, Norman, OK
2019, Ben Whitney Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art Docent Award, University of Oklahoma 105th Annual School of Visual Arts Student Exhibition
July 1, 2024, The Norman Transcript; “Expressions: Cleveland County Creates, 2024”; a featured artist, full-page article
May 10, 2024, "2nd Friday Norman Art Walk" May Featured Artists Information, https://www.2ndfridaynorman.com/event-listing
May 15, 2023, "Norman Artist Finds Beauty in the Eye of a Storm," Is This a Great State or What?!, KFOR Oklahoma's News 4; radar image paintings featured in video news segment and website article written and filmed by Galen Culver; Retrieved from https://kfor.com/news/great-state/radar-art-norman-artist-finds-beauty-in-the-eye-of-a-storm/
2022 Issue, “Blood and Thunder: Musings on the Art of Medicine,” University of Oklahoma; “On My Mind” sculpture featured in publication.
June 17, 2022, “Art reflecting OU history: Talented student commissioned to create sculpture”; Bigraphical article written by Doug Hill, Norman Transcript; Retrieved from https://www.normantranscript.com/news/art-reflecting-ou-history-talented-student-commissioned-to-create-sculpture/article_7e5054ae-eda7-11ec-8525-4bd2916eb410.html?fs=e&s=cl&fbclid=IwAR0BW7dRrYLiaRa4kHLjgydhkfElmz7n3OWergnosLaBnR85-84MEsxg63U
2020-2022 Issue, “The Aster Review,” Volume V, p.12, 15, 74
April 24, 2020, “Red Stiletto Featured Business”; Red Stiletto VIP Lounge social media group of almost 10K women; Gave a live video pottery wheel demonstration and tour of my art studio
August 23, 2019, “Non-traditional OU student finds profound meaning in creative process”; Biographical article written by Doug Hill, Norman Transcript; Retrieved from https://www.normantranscript.com/news/entertainment/non-traditional-ou-art-student-finds-profound-meaning-in-creative/article_6d162655-6d7d-5aed-a4a5-67e43b74cd55.html? fbclid=IwAR0ONyO1mML7wjg0IxUgKkAbX1IImUBkv2_MDga1Date13mq0o5RAIxUTUY
May 9, 2019, “Art based on South Africa’s Xhosa people wins top OU prize”; Joint exhibition article written by John Brandenburg, The Oklahoman; Retrieved from https://www.oklahoman.com/article/5630842/art-based-on-south-africas-xhosa-people-wins-top-ou-prize
2018-Present, STASH, Norman, OK, Various Pottery and Ceramic Sculptures
2018-Present, Christy Phelps Art online store, ChristyPhelpsArt.com website
2024, Paseo Gallery One, Oklahoma City, OK, Oil Paintings and Pressed Prints
2021-2024, JRB Art at the Elms Gallery, Oklahoma City, OK, Bronze Sculptures
2018-2022, Carpe Artem Gallery, Oklahoma City, OK, Glass Work
2021-2022, Jetset FBO Airport, Oklahoma City, OK, Weather Radar Paintings
2021, Norman Art Walk, Studio Ink, Norman, OK, Pottery, Prints, Paintings
2020, Lion Salon and Spa, Norman, OK, Designer Masks
2020, Firehouse Art Center, Norman, OK, Holiday Gift Gallery, Glass Work
2020, Renewelry.com website, Prints of Paintings
2020, The Third Space, Norman, OK, Various Pottery
2019, Coldwater Creek Classen Curve, Oklahoma City, OK, Various Pottery
2019, Coldwater Creek Classen Curve, Oklahoma City, OK, Various Pottery
2019, Lion Salon and Spa, Norman, OK, Pin-Up Pottery
2018, Teaze Dance and Fitness, Oklahoma City, OK, Pin-Up Pottery
2018, IAO Gallery Pin-Up Bazaar, Oklahoma City, OK, Pin-Up Pottery
2017-2018, Antique Garden, Norman, OK, Various Pottery
2014-2015, Be Wild For Art, Norman, OK, Various Glazed Ceramics
2024, Allied Arts OKC; April
2024, Norman Arts Council; March
2023, Allied Arts OKC; April
2023, Norman Arts Council; March
2022, STASH Shannon Hanchett family fundraiser; December
2022, Norman Arts Council; March
2021, Women’s Resource Center; October
2021, Norman Arts Council; April
2020, Norman Arts Council; July
2019, Women’s Resource Center; November, April
2019, OU Red Clay Faction; October, February
2019, Norman Arts Council; March
2018, Women’s Resource Center; November, September
2018, OU Red Clay Faction; October
2018, Camp Kesem, OU Chapter; August, April
2018, Tomball Emergency Assistance Ministries; April
2017, Women’s Resource Center; October